I have been learning about many of the possible ways that blogging can be useful in a classroom. Three specific ways I have found most interesting so far are: Teacher Blogs, Classroom Blogs and Student Blogs. I plan on teaching at the elementary level so the grade level being taught would determine how in depth one could get in application of the blog. Here are some ideas in which I could see that blogging could be beneficial in my classroom:
Teacher Blogging would be a great tool for giving assignments to students, it could also be a way to communicate with some parents and a way to keep them current with schedules, homework, due dates and upcoming events. Communicating and collaborating with other teachers is a possibility as well. In a few of the elementary blogs that I have observed, I have noticed that some teachers share specific details (complete with pictures!) about projects, crafts and ideas that have worked and not worked for them. I can see that being very helpful for me as a new teacher.
Classroom Blogging is a wonderful way to display students work, recap about the weeks events, activities and experiences in which students can participate in doing each week (age appropriate of course!) and communicating and collaborating with other teachers,
Student Blogging can involve a classroom effort in sharing experiences with projects, readings, self-reflections, certain subject matter etc. Blogging in this manner is beneficial because it can motivate quieter students to participate, it gives each student an opportunity to read, write and share. Students can take the time that they need read, re-read, reflect, react and respond to ideas in a way that they feel most comfortable.
Blogging seems to me like an easy, effective and efficient tool for students, teachers and even parents in which learning and information can extend beyond the school doors.
Teacher, Classroom, and Student --- yep, three different directions where blogging can become an incredible tool to enhance teaching and communication.