Web 2.0 Tool: SCREENR!
I experimented with the awesome, simple to use, and FREE Web 2.0 Tool, Screenr! It is an application that records video and audio. Anything that is on your computer screen can be recorded. All you do is type in http://www.screenr.com/ and you can get started. It has a quick one-minute tour of how to use the application if you'd like. First, Click RECORD on the top right of the screen, then put the Recording Frame wherever you want it to go. You can adjust the size of the frame as well. Next, choose the microphone you want to use, then click RECORD! Another cool feature it has is that you can pause it if you need to. When you are finished then you click DONE! You can add a message at the bottom to describe your video. Next you click PUBLISH and then you have many choices of where you want to place it. You can publish it it on UTube, Facebook, Twitter, you can embed it into your Blog which is what I did, or you can email it. LOVE Screenr!!
Using this tool in the classroom would be so much fun! It would be a useful tool to explain basically anything. The teacher could step by step show the students how to use an unfamiliar program such as Google Doc, Spreadsheets or Picasa and record it then post it on the teachers blog. Also, the teacher could show and explain assignments using Screenr. When the students go home they will have an example of how to do their assignment. It would eliminate many the excuses of "I didn't hear you" or "I didn't know we were supposed to do that!" and also saves time for the teacher having to have those conversations or having to repeat herself over and over again!! The kids could use it for projects to teach other students about something that they learned for a project or speech. It would also be helpful for teachers to keep tutorials on file of programs that they use infrequently and maybe need a quick refresher before they need to present it. My 3 kids loved using it for our gerbil race. They thought it was pretty cool and wanted to watch it over and over again! Super quick and easy to use!
Very clever and innovative use of Screenr to record from your web cam. Will be fun to describe how you did this to our class on Saturday.