Friday, October 7, 2011

My Favorite Web 2.0 Tools

Component 1

Web 2.0 includes many free tools and applications to use on any computer. These tools can help you in managing your pictures, creating exciting lesson plans, you can send audio and visual links full of information such as projects, seminars etc.  Web 2.0 tools has a bookmarking tool that you can put all your favorite links onto for quick retrieval and because it is web based you won't ever lose them even if your computer goes down. With Skype you can talk with and see friends and family or have conference calls free of charge all over the world.  Pretty amazing! The cool thing is that it is web based so you can have access to all of it wherever you are, from any computer. I have included some of the tools and their links below:


Photos:           Picasa 

Whiteboard:   Skrbl-

Video/Audio:  You Click link for a You Tube Example: Steve Jobs

Google Docs: 

Tech Support:
                        Drop Box-

Assessment:     Google


Component 2
Tiny URL
For Reviews and Testamonials click below: (not super helpful but the only one I could find)

Tiny URL is a basic, easy to use, free service.  It creates tiny URL's to replace thelong ones that sometimes break when sending them in an email.  It never expires and won't break in email posting.  All you need to do is copy and paste your long URL in the designated spot and hit the "Make Tiny URL" button and a new smaller URL is automatically created.  You then copy and paste the smaller URL wherever you want it to be.  It's that easy!  You can also preview the link before you copy and paste it.

Ways this tool can increase teacher/student productivity:
  • confidence in knowing that the receipent of your link will receive the entire link intact
  • fast and easy
  • smaller link looks more professional, clear and precise
  • can use it when posting blogs for students or parents
  • able to use it when sending info to students for projects or papers
  • can basically use it whenever you need a smaller URL!

1 comment:

  1. You're off to the races. Keep on truckn'. Will be fun to share these in class.
