Thursday, September 29, 2011


I attended that 2011 OTEN INSPIRATION CONFERENCE  on Saturday, Septemeber 24th.  I listened to three speakers:  Joe Morelock-the keynote speaker, Machelle Childers on podcasting in the elementary classroom and Serena Flyer who spoke about utilizting the white board.  From the keynote speaker I learned about how beneficial and easy it is to use technology in the classroom.  I learned that podcasting can encourage students to work collaboratively together and it allows them to practice on their speaking skills in a less intimidating manner than a video camera from the podcasting talk.  From the white board seminar, I learned that there are many options for creating fun, interactive, colorful lessons that intrigue and excite the younger population of students. Click on the link below to view my reflection on Yodio:

OTEN Reflection 2011

1 comment:

  1. Happy to assist with linking and embedding.

    If you log in to your Yodio account, you should be able to see the Yodio presentation you completed. You can watch/listen to it.

    Also, there should be a share button that provide the URL of your Yodio; as well as the EMBED coding that one can paste into the HTML button in your Blog Post. I can assist, so let me know (email, Skype, etc.)
